Collaborative Research Center 1463 - Integrated Design and Operation Methodology for Offshore Megastructures The CRC
2nd CRC 1463 Network Meeting on "Aeroelastic Connections for Wind Turbines

2nd CRC 1463 Network Meeting on "Aeroelastic Connections for Wind Turbines

© SFB 1463

In September, the CRC 1463 once again invited to its network meetings: This time the focus was on the connection between aerodynamics and aeroelasticity.

While the core of the CRC – the concept of the digital twin – was the subject of discussion in 2021, this year scientists discussed the associated aerodynamic and aeroelastic challenges. The focus was not only on the fundamental question of the aerodynamic initial conditions at altitudes of up to 300 metres. The question of how relevant non-linear aeroelastic effects are for large and slender structures, such as an offshore megastructure, was also explored. 

In contrast to last year, the CRC was also able to personally welcome international speakers from the USA or the UK, for example. Representatives from industry as well as current research had a productive discussion around twelve lectures, which was a professional asset for all participants. 

The next network meeting is planned again in September 2023.