3rd CRC 1463 Network Meeting on "Hydrodynamics, scour and offshore operations"

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As in the previous year, the CRC 1463 invited once again to its network meeting: The challenges in the context of hydrodynamics, scour and offshore operations were discussed during the two-day meeting in Hannover.

Following the aerodynamic and aeroelastic challenges that were the topic of last year's network meeting, this September's discussion focussed on problems in the areas of hydrodynamics, scour formation and offshore operations.

The focus was on the influence of hydrodynamics on the support structures of offshore facilities and their integration into a digital twin, as well as the effects of scour formation on the foundation structures and their limitation by scour protection systems. Finally, several aspects of offshore logistics - focussing on hydrodynamic issues during installation and maintenance  were brought up for discussion at different levels.

As in the previous year, the CRC was able to welcome international speakers on site. Scientists from Great Britain, Portugal and Denmark as well as representatives from industry contributed to a fruitful exchange with their presentations.

The next CRC network meeting is planned for 2025.